Dear Dimasalang, pacific cradle
Of illustrious and brilliant people.
In your rich garden of bliss and beauty,
Everyone can feel pure tranquility.
Memories of you will never depart
Oh pristine haven you’ll stay in my heart!
Amidst the triumph and jubilation
You certainly serve my inspiration
Stars and moon above, that glitter your sky
Declare your splendor with a joyful cry
Angels protect you from evil and harm
Bestow your settlers with goodness and charm
Lustrous paradise, homeland of the greats
To you I’ll offer all my greatest deeds
Always praise and thank, deeply glorify
Our dear Creator, Holy God on High!
Never be afraid, Heaven is your guide
Love humility, take away your pride
Go and reach your dream, town that I adore
Dear Dimasalang, shine forevermore!