Tuesday, July 24, 2007

dimasalangmasbate: Dimasalang/My Homeland (satjr.)

dimasalangmasbate: Dimasalang/My Homeland (satjr.)

dimasalangmasbate: MASBATE/MY PROVINCE

dimasalangmasbate: MASBATE/MY PROVINCE


an acrostic by satjr.

Majestic province, lovely paradise

Home of the golden, marvelous sunrise

Adorable clouds and the lofty sky

Proclaim your grandeur with delightful cry

Scintillating seas that embrace your shore

Enhance the beauty of your vast nature

Bountiful harvest of your mighty plains

Unites with the gift of your rich mountains

Astonishing place of dignified men

Immense hopes and dreams bloom in your garden

Testimony of such rustic splendor

Our inspiration, fountain of valor

Ever beloved, Masbate province

Thanks for the joy of your magnificence!